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Weight Loss Specialist

Jeffrey M Saylor, MD MPH -  - Family Medicine

Jeffrey M Saylor, MD MPH

Family Medicine & Acute Care located in Guntersville, AL

If you’ve tried various fad diets and exercise regimens but still can’t seem to lose weight, consider medically supervised weight loss. At his eponymous practice, family medicine physician Jeffrey Saylor, MD, MPH, offers customized weight-loss programs for people of all ages. To make an appointment, call the practice in Guntersville, Alabama today.

Weight Loss Q&A

What is medically supervised weight loss?

Medically supervised weight loss combines nutrition education, exercise guidance, and, when necessary, prescription medication to help you lose weight and keep it off. To ensure you achieve your goals, Dr. Saylor develops a custom program designed to meet your needs. 

What does medically supervised weight loss involve?

When developing medically supervised weight loss plans, Dr. Saylor focuses on three areas:

Nutrition education

The meals and snacks that you eat affect your metabolism and energy levels. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Dr. Saylor can make recommendations to help you achieve your goals without sacrificing flavor. 

Exercise guidance

The easiest and most effective way to burn calories is through exercise. Even if you don’t enjoy lifting weights or running on a treadmill, Dr. Saylor can recommend fun, low-impact activities that get your body moving and your heart rate up. No matter your current level of physical fitness, there’s something you can do, whether that’s walking, swimming, or riding a bike. 

Prescription medication

In some cases, exercise and improved nutrition aren’t enough to maintain a healthy weight. If you need additional assistance, Dr. Saylor might recommend prescription medication. Some drugs can speed up your metabolism, while others suppress your appetite so you don’t overeat. 

What are the benefits of medically supervised weight loss?

Participating in medically supervised weight loss offers various advantages. For one, it significantly reduces your risk of weight-related health problems. By maintaining a healthy weight, you’re much less likely to experience high blood pressure, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

Losing weight can benefit your mental health too. Research shows losing between 5-10% of your body weight can reduce the risk of anxiety and depression, increase your self-esteem, and raise your energy levels. 

Who is a candidate for medically supervised weight loss?

Anyone who struggles to maintain a healthy weight can benefit from medically supervised weight loss. That’s especially true if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition associated with excess weight like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

To see if you’re a candidate for medically supervised weight loss, make an appointment at the practice of Jeffrey Saylor, MD, MPH, by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.